Getting the answer right will instill more interest among the kids and at the same time let kids gather information about this grand Jewish occasion. Got it wrong again? The game retails for $24.99 and features six colorful game boards with Passover keywords such as Egypt and Elijah. To help fund the project, Pester turned to, which offers crowd-sourced funding for Jewish projects. Got the question wrong? Passover Fill in the Blanks …

Passover Games for Kids Emily Sper came up with the idea for Jewish card games based on existing popular games, including a Passover game called “Passover Go Fish.” Top Pick April 13, 2011 0 0 The game also includes 96 foam markers, and is recommended for children ages 3 and up. Print the pdf: Passover Vocabulary Sheet. Passover Vocabulary. The game can be played at different intervals throughout the Seder, in between reading the text. Answer questions covering all aspects of Passover history and traditions. The following are educational Passover games for kids, for teens, and even for adults! Move back that amount of spaces! Dual purposes are solved in this case with the help of interesting Passover games. Subscribe to receive Since it’s a very basic board game, you can really play things how you want to. Place at least … The Afikomen, in the Jewish tradition, is considered to be a piece of matzo that the host of the Seder feast sets aside apparently for dessert. This Passover game is totally unique – it’s a “splitting of the sea” board game, that also doubles as an Exodus and Passover/Pesach trivia game for preschool aged children. Whenever someone ASKS a question they get to move forward a slot. Disclosure: this post contains affiliate links. Passover games is a wonderful way to make your kids stay informative and as well as entertained. It may be sometimes difficult for the kids to remember the long Passover story. The main reason behind setting aside the Afikomen is to create attention among the kids all through the Seder. Got the second one right? Children are sure to enjoy thins kind of an interaction. The game is geared toward children age 3-6 years old, and can be played with or without a grown-up.Welcome! You’ll get it as an instant download in your inbox.


All the Passover games are designed keeping in mind the Jewish traditions and customs. After looking up the terms … Love crafting outside the box? You can set new rules to increase the challenge. Train your brain to remember everything about Pesach with these educational Passover games for kids, teens, and adults. Along the way cross the Red Sea, stop at Mt. Thus, it is advisable to arrange for a mini quiz show right at the Seder table. It requires very little preparation. Passover (Pesach) is a time of traditions and remembrance, but for children, adding a new activity to enhance the stories, songs and symbolism of Passover can make memories to look forward to each year. Be the first to the Promised Land and you win the game! Test your knowledge and speed with our educational Pesach games and self-grading quizzes!

Welcome back! Dual purposes are solved in this case with the help of interesting Passover games.

Get a “save” pick from the same level of trivia cards. Purchase the game below. I’ve kept the cost very low to make it affordable for everyone:Another idea: use the board game at your Seder.

They move forward two spots.You get the following PDF files for you to print on card stock:As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.I wanted to create a Passover kids activity for preschoolers that can be totally child-led (for before Passover, when parents are busy). Crossword Puzzle. It is just to teach them about the history and the traditions that Passover usually follows. Hi! Prizes may be allotted for the right answer and that will create more interest among the participants.This is an interesting children's Passover game that teaches the kids about the minute facts of Passover. This Passover game is totally unique – it’s a “splitting of the sea” board game, that also doubles as an Exodus and Passover/Pesach trivia game for preschool aged children. You get to stay in place. This humorous game reveals how creative and clever participants are in connecting random items found around the house to the Passover story.

The game can be played at different intervals during the evening. At the same time, I wanted something that also teaches a little about the holiday, and can be played on the holiday as well. Connecting everyday items to the Passover story is challenging. All the Passover games are designed keeping in mind the Jewish traditions and customs. Sinai and try to avoid the 'wheel of plagues'! Come join us and share your crafts in A question and an answer for it? Try one or more of these games or activities at your celebration.

Passover Crossword Puzzle . I'm Menucha, the force behind Moms & Crafters - just here to share some ideas with you! The splitting of the sea Pesachboard game combines hand-drawn elements with some computer graphics. Passover games is a wonderful way to make your kids stay informative and as well as entertained. A correct answer gives you a roll of the dice to move along the game board.