They have been institutionalized in residential schools, placed in foster homes, provincial 'care' facilities, and adopted by Euro-Canadian families. It thereby offers an approach to analyse encounters with otherness in academic learning as well as to make explicit, how and why these trigger meaningful reflective impulses.
In these studies I used divers research designs and methodological approaches: from qualitative and content-analytic methods to ethnographical ones and finally the design of a quantitative survey, thus combining inductive and deductive perspectives. The aims of this research are to reveal Eastern and the Western Europe as the metaphore of East and West and the postcolonial issue reflected onthe novel. En segundo lugar, nos detendremos a precisar definiciones, debates y prácticas acerca de la teoría de las utopías y del comparatismo literario. In my research I use identity, the dynamic construct that offers a person meaning and orientation. On the other hand, the higher order skills such as It has been found that there are many Secondly, ideology is constructed due to power relationships. In general, the aim of this study is to examine the transfer of indigenous style and thematic features that are specific to the postcolonial texts to the target culture and language that is unfamiliar to postcolonial spirit. Keywords: psychological oppression, colonial legacy, otherness2020 looms large for Indigenous education in Australia, with the ‘Refreshed’ Close the Gap strategy hanging over the collective heads of schools, Indigenous students and their families. Name Index El comparatismo literario permite poner en relación intertextual obras de la tradición utópica habilitando la posibilidad de estudiar variantes tematológicas e ideológicas transnacionales. Paul Bandia’s tripartite or three-tier translation approach will be used as the main method and Lawrence Venuti’s foreignization and domestication approach and Vinay and Darbalnet’s translation procedures will be considered as supporting methods during the qualitative comparison of two books. In Postcolonial Lens: Analysis of Philippine Archaeology’s History and DirectionSeeing White: Turning the postcolonial lens on social work in AustraliaTo add to the rich global dialogue that is currently emerging, this chapter of this book introduces what Indigenizing education means to five educators who currently work in school, university, and community education settings. This study examines the validity of Said's understanding of Foucault and shows that Said's construction of Orientalism is based on an imperfect image of Foucault. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer Verlag. As None to Accompany Me has specific cultural elements, linguistic structures and postcolonial themes that are intrinsic to the postcolonial period, it is conceded to benefit from two translational approaches and one translation method during the analysis of translator’s translation strategy. The narrative of Dracula is also the representation of the West domination over the East through the monolith stigmatization.


Orientalism has been considered by yet an-other critic to be the "first academic book" to introduce the concept of "Post-colonial Studies" … Hochschuldidaktische Erkenntnisse zur Anwendung des Konzeptes der Alterität auf Lehr- und Lernprozesse im akademischen KontextMoving Beyond the Liminal: Yewande Omotoso’s Bom BoyEffective and appropriately designed essay type questions are of significant importance in Internet, Medios y Tecnopolítica Social structure is based on power structure of any society that defines social identities on the basis of collective social ideology.
Kata Kunci: multikulturalisme; hibriditas; mimikri; ambivalensi; krisis identitas

analysis, synthesis and evaluation get relegated to the margin. This paper analyses the underlying Western colonial discourse that rationalizes ecological exploitation in Hawai'i based on the reading on James Michener's Hawai'i. O

N In fact, exile is a phenomenon produced by the colonizer for colonized communities to abandon their culture and language Across Canada, a discourse of reconciliation has emerged and is strengthening.