176 strangled the King; but having drawne his faucheon to cut off his head, seeing how pittifully he begged his life, he led him prisoner to James Towne, and put him in... Philip

To these particulars I humbly entreat your pardons if I offend you with my rude answer.


Image 211 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy) 88.] Image 236 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy)

Smith, J.

And thereat none need marvel, if they consider the cause and reason, which was this: Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days scarce ten amongst us could either go or well stand, such extreme weakness and sickness oppressed us. Saint-Mémin, Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret De

This as a miracle drew many to behold them, all which being a great part of his people, not long after died and but few escaped.

The generall historie of Virginia, New England & the Summer Isles : together with The true travels, adventures and observations, and A sea grammar by Smith, John, 1580-1631 1 print : engraving.

Image 208 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy)

192 Breach of peace with the Salvages at Falles. Image 235 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy) Poindexter, Charles - Richmond (Va.). my God will keepe me, you cannot hurt me, if I breake it, he will destroy me. Image 206 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy) Image 233 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy) 1 print : engraving. 162 Pocahontas bewrayes her fathers deceit to kill us. New England Chromo. 175 of any but my owne must answer it: the Letters patents shall each weeke be read to you, whose Contents will tell you the contrary.

165 such a multitude; the Captaine encouraged us to this effect.

Image 228 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy)

the inconstant Salvages in such a maner amongst such Ambuscado's as he had prepared, that not many of them should returne from our Peninsula. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. • Complete PDF version of The Generall Historie of Virginia American Journeys Image 214 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy)

Labourers 12 laborers listed, including one named “Old William”.

Armstrong, W. C. 161 suspicion, left two or three of the women talking with the Captaine, whilest hee secretly ran away, and his men that secretly beset the house.

The Library of Congress is providing access to these materials for educational and research purposes and makes no warranty with regard to their use for other purposes. Image 202 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy) Necessary 185 Two Gentlemen sent to the Germans. Image 222 of Volume 1 (General Collections copy)

178 promise us peace, we will beleeve you; if you proceed in revenge we will abandon the Country. Master... The general history of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles: with the names of the ...


195 he was not unwilling they should steale it, but never would he give it to such as they.