Why you ask? “And I was right — he thought I was crazy.”There were also clues in the painting that accompanied the verse. ).tree branch correlates with Coleman road, More specifically, they believed the treasure was buried underneath home plate on the softball field.Last Thursday, the Krupats returned to the site to continue searching.

Bad Theory: The eleven moons in the San Francisco picture represent Apollo 11. The treasure Krupat sought was the work of a New York publisher named Byron Preiss, who in 1982 released a book titled “The Secret” (no relation to the popular self-help book with the same title).But most convincing was that right across the street from Langone Park is Copp’s Hill Terrace, a small park that features large granite steps. Possible matching verse: 6. Expedition Unknown’s Josh Gates unlocks another find in The Secret: A Treasure Hunt [Exclusive] Wed Oct 02, 2019 at 12:20am ET Sat Jul 04, 2020 at 12:20 am EDT By April Neale Leave a comment

5:30. Email This BlogThis! The ones that have been solved so far have been solved in order of ascending difficulty. The previous outlines were strong matches, and so are the outlines found in Image 2 (which matches with Verse 6). So, in some circles at least, the number 33 holds esoteric significance as the “highest of the master numbers”. When unlocked, it would lead to a treasure buried somewhere in North America.The following day, the company dug out Krupat’s e-mail and contacted him.The Krupat family found buried treasure in Boston’s North End. I just want a chance to tell the people about my investigation into the secret and my theory to the solution. Twelve treasure boxes were buried at secret locations in the United States and Canada. Example Good Theory: That outline is an exact match of this streetlight. Several months ago, I wrote a couple quick posts about how I stumbled across “The Secret: A Treasure Hunt”, a book that was written by Byron Preiss and published in 1982.

He has been hiding additional clues related to the secret in his other works. The Secret A Treasure Hunt Thank you for visiting. Or it meant that the casque was about to be destroyed and lost forever.It was a jubilant day, until unexpected visitors arrived. No one seemed to know what to do.“When Byron Preiss buried these things, he often disguised himself as a construction worker, so they’re carrying on a tradition,” Gates said, flabbergasted at what was transpiring.But the Krupats had already gathered enough of the casque to claim the reward, and so on Tuesday they went to New York, to a ceremony at the Brooklyn Historical Society, where Preiss’s widow, Sandi Mendelson, and their two daughters presented the Krupats with a green gemstone known as a peridot.“It was emotional,” Krupat said. The Secret of the Secret and Other Theories by goldhunter Sept 3, 2020 6:43:07 GMT -5: The Secret: Milwaukee. “It was just about enjoying the process and spending time with the family. Things got quiet. Under the Law of Attraction, the complete order of the Universe is determined, including everything that comes into your life and everything that you experience. I’m still shocked we were able to solve it.”The discovery of the construction project meant they might not have to. The secret is a continent-sized treasure hunt that's been going on for close to 40 years. In 1982 publisher Byron Preiss buries 12 treasure boxes in 12 North American cities and releases a book of enigmatic images and verses, offering clues to their locations: find a box and you recover a key, which can be redeemed for a valuable gemstone. Soon, the family began making weekend trips into the city to work on what had come to be known as “the Boston verse.”Months passed, and then one day in early October, a construction worker named Mitch Cunningham was operating an excavator in the area around home plate when he felt the metal bucket crack something.