In TNG, the shields would have gone straight up unless countermanded by an order. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings", "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")

( Some of the "automatic" features of the alert levels are features starting with the Galaxy Class; for example, Kirk orders Yellow Alert when the Reliant approaches in Star Trek 2, yet the shields are down. Blue Alert is a type of alert status with a variety of meanings, varying from starship or outpost to starship or outpost. Aboard Starfleet vessels and outposts, a series of color-coded alert signals were issued, usually by the ship's computer or internal communications systems. "Yellow Alert, Mr. Worf, but keep the shields down." Fan film episodes Play-by-email RPGs Trek Expanded Universe is a FANDOM TV Community.USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G) (Excalibur class)Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.Code Blue was issued as an alert for "statements to be made by yeomen Burke and Samuel" as part of a ruse to trap Lt Levarus in the Klingon/Federation attempt to undermine the peace treaties between both empires. Fan fiction episodes For many ships without landing capabilities, like the Aboard ships with landing capabilities, such as the Black alert, otherwise known as condition black, was an alert signal used on the USS Discovery and the USS Glenn in 2256 to signify that the ship was operating its experimental spore drive. Blue alert aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Blue alert (also code blue or condition blue) was an alert signal status on Starfleet vessels and outposts which was called for in exceptional situations, including, but not limited to, environmental hazards to the crew, main power failure, docking and separation maneuvers, and landing protocols, for ships with the capability. Red alert, also known as condition red or code red, was the highest alert signal status on Starfleet vessels and starbases. Hailing Frequencies