The structure of activities utilising this methodology incorporate only minimal competition and therefore allow students to remain unthreatened, thus further fostering the development of positive attitudes towards all areas of the curriculum. The students within the class are required to comply with commands of the teacher and therefore execute all activities to a required standard and within a given time limit.The teacher maintains control over what is being learned and therefore can ensure that the lesson meets the needs and requirements of the curriculum.Decreases social interaction and subsequently levels of self-esteem and motivation.4 Ideas to foster a smooth Transition into the ClassroomGreater possibility of tasks being completed on time. Verbal learners favour using words and linguistic skills - in speech and in writing, …

This allows for a positive and non-threatening environment to be created and therefore fosters ongoing participation within all curriculum areas.There is a greater possibility that students will be distracted from the task when compared with the command style of teaching.Has potential to achieve accuracy and precision in performance and is therefore useful when a predetermined model must be adhered to, or a synchronized performance is required.It allows the teacher to provide more individual feedback to members of the class. This means that individuals with higher knowledge and skill levels can be extended with advanced activities.This particular style therefore promotes motor development more so than cognitive development.This style of teaching increases social interaction between students and therefore increases motivation levels, self-confidence as well as one’s ability to work both independently and as a member of a group.Command style of teaching occurs when ‘the teacher makes the maximum number of choices, while the learner makes only minimal decisions’.This method has the greatest potential to build self-esteem and therefore increase student enjoyment. The style is therefore not as useful when addressing skills or knowledge areas where specific techniques, movements or products are required.Teacher contact time may not be divided equally as individuals with poorer skill and knowledge levels often require greater levels of feedback from the teacher whereas individuals of advanced skill and knowledge levels often require more extension activities. Within such approaches the teacher is required to maintain absolute control over the class and therefore must execute a strict and highly regulated lesson structure. This will occur as a result of increases in performance coupled with the ongoing experience of success.Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE): Lagos Postpones ExamsLittle student input into the lesson, as the teacher essentially remains in control.Passnownow named in Top 50 EdTech Platforms in Africa is important that teachers learn to use a variety of teaching methodologies in order to cater for the range of learning needs and requirements that are present within most class environments. The nine decisions that are transferred from the teacher to the learner within this style are: “Location, Order of tasks, Starting time per task, Pace and rhythm, stopping time per task, Interval, Initiating questions for clarification, Attire and appearance, and Posture” As a result of such student empowerment a deeper appreciation for education can be fostered, thus making ongoing participation within all subject areas more likely.By this, we hope to be able to raise enrollment numbers and reduce the poor academic performance of students and the drastic failure rates in exams while also working to enhance Instructional Practice among Teachers using familiar channels of interaction to train and empower them on the use and adoption of technology.This particular methodology allows students to experiment with a variety of skills and techniques while still allowing the teacher to direct student learning.The ‘individual progression’ methodology allows students to participate within activities regardless of their individual skill levels, understanding and levels of motivation.