They have a love of natural food and when it’s warm and there’s lots of nasty flies and bugs around, I can reduce what I feed them by half – they will refuse to eat the majority of the food I put down for them because they’ve spent the whole day chasing (and eating) flies… and for their bodyweight I find they don’t eat as much as chickens anyway.”Safe landings: Project Kererū founder Nik Hurring finds her calling by taking in injured kererū“Duck eggs need slightly higher humidity, so in the last week of sitting I take a water spray bottle and give the nest a light misting once a day. She says the men who came and took it down told them they were “biologists”. Story was just posted:This blog is personal opinion, and is not representative of the views of the Westport School District or Board of Education.I’ll never shop at Terrain again, if they removed the best! Thanks! All information on the persons involved in this was handed over by Terrain to the CT State Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, who responded and now have a wildlife biologist involved in order to protect the welfare of these birds immediately.Any news on progress protecting these birds?There are no details on this move.

For 'Fly Away Home', she had designed paper money that children could use to make their own bird species. Did they know the platform was coming down?I was ordered by the Regency Centers management foreman at the scene to leave the area after his several attempts to stop me from gaining any further information from the gentleman from All Points Technology.

This needs to be remedied soon.I asked manager Sarah if they asked him for ID and if she knew for certain he was from the Audobon Society. We rehab birds of prey, so if anyone sees either of the osprey grounded for any reason please do not hesitate to contact us. “At least, they like overgrown fields.” Her mother laughed and said that Jeri England, the head librarian at the Poe library, might let the lawn go to seed if they asked nicely.Fiona Kent fills one of her hand made bird feeders.“See these seeds?” said Fiona, holding up a small sunflower seed. If they had intentions on removing their home, why wasn’t in done earlier before they returned to their home for the past years? Or use Venmo: @DanWoog06880. Much of Fiona Hall’s work is about the environment. Fiona Hall's exhibition, Wrong Way Time, has a strongly expressed eschatological orientation, where our obsession with greed and capitalism, militarism … Please do not take any action against the tenants of the centers however.

There is one osprey sitting on top of the telephone pol and a bunch of dropped branches at the base of the pole. Please keep us posted with hopefully good news Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.Ospreys are protected by the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act and it is illegal to remove an active nest.

Photo: Gynane | Dreamstime.comBy the time ducklings are about three weeks old, they’re old enough to gradually wean off their mothers or artificial heat sources. Once we find out who is responsible they should be grilled on all of our local web sites. “Painted Buntings love these.” The Painted Bunting is on Fiona’s list of birds she’d like to see, but her current favorites are the Carolina Wren in the summer and the Cardinal in the winter. Whoever perpetrated this needs to be made to restore it immediately.

Terrain management kept this as a priority throughout the day & into this evening. (Alternate methods: Please send a check to: Dan Woog, 301 Post Road East, Westport, CT 06880. This surprised us, and I have reached out to Audubon and DEP to try to confirm this. Fiona takes her ducks to poultry shows in winter and needs to get the first eggs of the season hatched, so she uses broody hens for their reliability.Jump the fence and get a paddling of ducks.

As its happening, not after the fact! As was the case when Eversource moved it – they relocated it to a safer spot. She seems to give off an air of prissiness and even snobbery to a degree (however this is shown to be purely out of her concern for breaking her curse, of which she is ashamed). The water baths are made of “recycled” items from under the family home, such as an old plastic tub and the cover of a garbage pail. It is difficult enough to keep retailers operating in Westport for a myriad of reasons, let’s not make it worse.

She says she did not know to either question.Figure out the details…put up a new platform asap… fine the HELL out of the offending parties….then boycott….there is NO excuse or tolerance for this….and register our outrage with the landlord (phone number above in comments).Osprey Nest Is Down. It has been a most heartbreaking day for all of us at Terrain.I can confirm the CT Audubon Society’s Director of conservation was contacted just yesterday by the construction company involved and the official recommendation was to leave the platform as the osprey pair that nests there are habituated to all of the human activity and would not be negatively effected by the construction. Think about what Stew Leonard Jr. would have done with this scenario.