Cano, a staunch adversary of the cartels, published numerous articles and opinion pieces denouncing the drug traffickers. Escobar had accused the three men of stealing from him. This is how the Guardian reported the event. El colombiano se entregó a autoridades estadounidenses en enero de 2009 en Florida.El diario mexicano Excelsior reporta que los Galeano controlaban casi el 90 por ciento de la cocaína producida en el sureste de Colombia. She toured numerous cities throughout the country delivering a “just say no” campaign. Killed by assassinsFather of Jorge Luis, Juan David, and Fabio Jr. Restrepo Ochoa. He has been called the “Colombian Ronald Reagan”. Their motto was "We prefer a grave in Colombia to a prison in the United States." Originally the chief of security for Medellin Cartel boss Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha (alias El Mexicano). Se presume que el guatemalteco, detenido en Colombia en 2007, era sólo uno de los muchos operadores que utilizaba El Chapo. Escobar también había dado pasos firmes en la política, como congresista, aunque ese año perdería su inmunidad. He died with the capo in December 1993Considered a giant in the world of Colombian journalism, Cano was the son of Fidel Cano Gutiérrez, the founder of the El Espectador newspaper.

Pablo Escobar appointed Moncada and Fernando Galeano to run his operation on the outside, while he was inside La Catedral Prison. 40th President of the United States, From 1981 to 1989. In 2013, Vargas Cardona was extradited to the U.S., where he was convicted of conspiring to import cocaine. He began his political career in 1945 and was a member of the conservative party. Narcos (TV Series 2015–2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Shortly after Pablo surrendered to Colombian authorities. In 2016 Maza Marquez was implicated in the assassination of Luiz Carlos Galan and was sentenced to 30 years in prison for participating in the murder of Luiz Carlos Galan.A lieutenant of Pablo Escobar in the Medellin Cartel. Turbay was a well-known and respected journalist in Colombia who founded “Noticiero Cripton”, a television news station, and “Hoy Por Hoy” a weekly magazine. Don Fabio was the patriarch of the notorious Ochoa clan. No son pocos los presuntos narcotraficantes señalados por EE.UU. “Ellos recibían los cargamentos y tenían bodegas para resguardar las drogas hasta que era seguro llevarlas a México. Today La Oficina, is considered one of the biggest criminal organizations in Colombia. que no están acusados por el sistema judicial guatemalteco, y que fueron capturados porque ese país los pedía en extradición (como dos Lorenzana, detenidos en abril y noviembre de 2011) y tenía evidencias de que delinquieron en Guatemala. The middle son of Don Fabio Ochoa, Jorge Luis was one of the leaders of the Medellin Cartel. Además, los vinculó a los Lorenzana y Mendoza en Guatemala (que autoridades de EE.UU. Shortly after Escobar’s escape, Gaviria turned to the US for help with the hunt to capture or kill Escobar.The brother-in-law and close associate of Pablo Escobar. He began his legal career specializing in constitutional law and worked for the Judiciary of Colombia. “Hay que recordar que el Cartel de Sinaloa, como la mayoría de carteles, consiste en varias organizaciones independientes que ocasionalmente cooperan entre sí cuando les conviene; pueden ser descritas mejor como una federación flexible de varias redes”.Pagar una prueba privada, la opción más eficiente durante la pandemiaEl impacto de la pandemia sobre el crimen organizadoUna empresa que une a Giammattei con Miguel MartínezEn Guatemala, las autoridades tienen ya varios cabos sueltos que atar.

She was a captive until January 25, 1991 when she was killed during an attempted police rescue operation. National Director Against Organized Crime of the Attorney General's Office of Colombia.

In 2003 he was convicted of trafficking, conspiracy and distribution of cocaine in the U.S. A trusted associate of both Pablo and Roberto Escobar. He began investigating Pablo Escobar in connection to the drug cartels and was assassinated in 1984. It was created as collection and enforcement branch for Pablo Escobar’s organization. In 1986 he signed a drug enforcement bill that gave 1.7 billion dollars to help fight the War on Drugs. Lets name a view. The DAS was the security service agency of Colombia. Garcia Marquez had a very close friendship with Cuba’s Fidel Castro.