Melanie Alexander

Communications Naved Rashid, Government & Public Sector !�f�%�wW�i�+�dt9)�6�P��A:���ԋ��A7*�9�\������(���#���;YX�r�Q|^do�B��3@˺�� ?�18���� ��R&B���FK��|= �XJ��)��ۂ��ľ, }à� ��g� �I�jx�Rj�bH=ӆh2�b��0���A�J�;�_�ae��- y}�Abj7L\�VS�H�:70�U����܆Φ KA��Y�D��>�($��y�GU@�T���qb�~@O��3.�h��4��Y�OP��aꂍqa��h>��j8#�0l� z��K ��_+�8$��� ��R��jw�h�Ie^+�VsQ��;�a���N��$�JDg����:0�c葸�ەĤ�>J���Vp����V� S�}�0Q�=u B��CL�1�4F!��Z������A��v�'�����d�&�����d�\1r���Zޮ1.��Bz�1c�~�e~��S8�h#��T�i`���tu&'$�G��/Mi��_��+M$n�,�t����>Y�j�L��T�;�J��RY~��� �L��T�ƅ�h�Y�g���+3}�|/S�sw�!�� �? Digital Markets ALTERYX RECOGNIZED AS A LEADER WITH THE HIGHEST ABILITY TO EXECUTE.

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Conferences All rights reserved. Here, we examine the market and the leading enterprise vendors for such software.

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B�8낄�� �G���^NP6������q6#����"(L�=��������Ճ�F�02A�{4�!pT��� By Industry Strategic Planning High Tech & Telecom ©2020 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. To learn more, visit our Featured Insights L� ������v�?���� �LL]����P�������%r Financial Services


We believe being named a Leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation reinforces these customer ratings. �tCp���tI�~߀��25�o�Pt#!�j[n�����[��W��O쏦�����Lk��I���z������?�mr2y�k\�.�ujqX_����J���KQ�;_O�-��VG����������: ���ns�����g�^k�&@z����K���N�,t��֦&n�n����e�ٞM���� There’s plenty of hype around artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, but we are confident you can cut right through that in Gartner’s latest report, “2020 Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine-Learning Platforms.”

Reset Your Business Strategy Amid COVID-19

Legal & Compliance Adobe (Magento) Is Recognized as a Leader for Fourth Consecutive Year for Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. %��������� Research & Advisory

Irvine, CA – July 30, 2020 – Kofax®, a leading supplier of Intelligent Automation software for digital workflow transformation, today announces the company is positioned as a “Challenger” in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotic Process Automation report 1 for Kofax RPA. Solutions Insights Kofax Positioned as a “Challenger” for its RPA. Given that RPA is being adopted so rapidly by enterprises, it’s estimated to reach $2.4bn by 2024, some might say it’s about time Gartner released their first-ever Magic Quadrant for RPA software.. Gartner Magic Quadrant research methodology provides a graphical competitive positioning of four types of technology providers in fast-growing markets: Leaders, Visionaries, Niche Players and Challengers. COVID-19 Second, Gartner may want to wait until they release a 2020 IGA Market Guide before they speak to why they chose to retire the IGA Magic Quadrant. What We Do

Healthcare By Function Saikat Ray, Product �������BB$uOp!��c�����_7�x���j��x�_%K�|�oT��ȀK����:��f��r}}������O�[2t����#ث����Ү�AA[ґ�nw{���__�JM���≡�T��%y��d"����ݵh�.�鎘H7���8��I�Ca��y��Ip�nn
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Marketing Here, we examine the market and the leading enterprise vendors for such software. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Finance

Robotic process automation continues to grow as a tactical solution to improve operational efficiency via noninvasive integration.