House exhibits some of the most complex psychology.

They can be good, evil, protagonists, antagonists – or anywhere and anything in between.In literary non-fiction, a strong female character can act as a vessel for the thoughts and beliefs of the writer.

"There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen.

Defiant, daring, and unyielding, Sofia stakes her claim to freedom within a climate of absolute intolerance, making her undoubtedly one of the fiercest female characters in all of fiction.In a world where the dead walk on earth, only powerful magic can control the evil rising from the underworld — magic harnessed by Sabriel in an epic battle of good versus evil. As a guardian of all life and a fearless walker among the dead, Sabriel is just about as bad as it gets, and oh-so-good all at the same time.There will come a day when an alternate history of the Potterverse featuring Hermione Granger in the starring role hits the shelves. What we need in literature today are strong women characters that not only explore and deconstruct the mythic power of femininity, but are a personal and private voice true to their own character. She is not a scheme designed to exhibit the various traits of the feminine psyche, or merely represent the collective experience of a community in a patriarchal society. Elizabeth Bennett From Pride and Prejudice Strong characters in literature are typically complex and are thick with personality, flaws, quirks, and interests. From beloved classics to modern page-turners, these famous female characters in literature symbolize the breadth, depth, and complexity of what it means to be a woman.

Though you may know Mulan best from the Disney film, she was originally imagined in the 6th century Chinese poem A remarkably independent woman, Janie Crawford’s strength is in her ability to keep on going, no matter what her life throws at her, and to uphold her dignity throughout. While Hermione Granger may be muggle-born in J.K. Rowling’s

Recently, we compiled a list of ten of the most powerful female characters in literature, and asked you to pitch in with your own suggestions in the comments. Righting wrongs, kicking ass, and taking names in the boldest, baddest, most brutal ways possible, Lisbeth is utterly unforgettable.Don't be fooled by the peaceful New England town and the family of loving sisters, beneath the still waters of Elmore Leonard's cold-as-steel and tough-as-nails Jackie Brown is the master of her own destiny as well as the art of the double-cross.

And boy, did you oblige us!

She holds a Master's in Journalism from the University of Southern California. Esperanza faces adversity with full-on grit. by Ashly Perez. They are the voice in the novel that’s heard the loudest. Though Tolkien’s novels aren’t exactly known for their female protagonists, who could be more powerful than the woman who killed the Witch-king of Angmar? I don't get why in a lot of young adult books have to have this "strong" female character that is mainly just a bitch. She falls in love with the master of the house but runs away after learning his dark secret. Since March is Women’s History Month, we’ve been thinking a lot about the women who have had positive and lasting impacts on our lives — and perhaps not surprisingly for a bunch of literary geeks like us, we’ve realized that many of them are fictional. 10 of the Most Powerful Female Characters in Literature. A strong female character in fiction is not a means to an end.

From the young girl who marries a French Marquis only to discover his sadistic inclinations to the maiden seduced by the forest itself, in Carter's stories the princesses are not only the protagonists, they are the brute force that brings the stories to a brilliant and bloody crescendo in true action-star style.Through war, through famine, through heartbreak, and hard-won victory, Scarlett O'Hara rages on, a ravishing beauty with a heart of steel. All rights reserved. She is also a belly dancer, which successfully battles her professional introversion. 10 just isn’t enough.” Indeed — even 50 probably wouldn’t cut it. By Emily Temple. Although she never took up arms, no one fought longer or harder than Ms. O'Hara, making this Southern Belle both a beauty and a bad ass.Unlike the men of daring do who seem to run wild throughout the literary world, genuinely kickass female characters are significantly harder to find in great works of fiction.

17 Strong Female Movie Characters to Watch When You Need Real-Life Confidence Dec. 25, 2012 . A strong female character in fiction is not a means to an end. The 20 Best Movies to Watch If You Love Good Cinematography She challenges the conventions of who should love whom and what leads to a happy life, her experience leading her on a journey towards an acute self-realization.

As one commenter wrote, “This should be the 50 Most Powerful Female Characters. Janie Crawford’s marriages cause her to endure a life of servitude and discomfort in Zora Neale Hurston’s Without them, the plot is feeble, the story stagnant. And this must be done as organically as is possible.In contrast, a weak character exists on the sidelines – not necessarily the sidelines of the story, but of their own character. “Whatever is … Protagonist – This is the main character, around which the whole story revolves.

This kind of gender bias is appalling in an industry that would fall apart without women – whether writers, readers, or publishers. There are two types, of which there may be a couple for each.

Calling for female authors and modern woman-centric stories, and supplying them with good PR and marketing, is the least that can be done. They have not and will not come into themselves in the duration of the story, are vague in their actions and intentions, and are less likely to accept or ready themselves to meet challenges. Two faces of the same coin, this two men suffer an existencial crisis catalised by the napoleonic wars, and travell a road of self knowledge that ends…well, you should read it. As China Miéville Chaucer didn’t mean to make the Wife of Bath as big of a character as he did. And if she was a complex character like scarlett o hara I would not mind it but most times they are not. Strong characters are full of potential and possibility.