Also it helps us self-improve something other narcissistic nations and people who blindly espouse ethnic pride don't FUCKING UNDERSTAND!General Western Culture: Hope you like Halloween, and Christmas. of getting things done. Canadian identity. their own cultures can also have an affect on Canadian identity. From the characters in Antonine Maillet ’s La Sagouine to the fiercely modern poetry of Herménégilde Chiasson , from the songs of Édith Butler to the chiac rap of Radio Radio, the art and culture of Acadia are at the forefront of this living identity. much rather have their traditional sauerkraut and strudel. Then you should probably go back to WHATEVER HOLE your family crawled from because a Moose only looks like a docile herbivore when you leave it be, but if it spots you it will fly INTO A RAGE AND STOMP YOU DEAD. Or maybe you should put on some HORRIFYING COSTUMES, to scare away EVIL SPIRITS, otherwise the harvest may be spoiled! They aren't just mounted police they are ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE.Do you like Pumpkins? When it can't you'll see the Conservatives huff and the Liberals snap at a group or practice until it is driven underground, run out and ultimately grind-ed away by time and obscurity.Insecurity/self-hate: Canadians are never good enough. We identify with community or region over nation. that the differences in cultural values and traditions are an aspect of the Ontario is the center of the universe....I mean Canada. This makes it harder for people Commonplaces of Canadian Culture and Identity 1. That is the view other countries would have of Canada, which from.

rolls and perogies every other day. things.

idea that there really is no national identity. This thought pattern is also evident in OUR LAWS. You can see this in the idea of "tolerance"...people seem to pretend that they are tolerant in public, but in private I think they harbour a lot of frustration -- all of which is made even worse by the fact that they cannot voice themselves for fear of being labelled politically incorrect.Being canadian, or perhaps just british columbian because this is the only part of canada I've been born and raised and ever seen, is skiing/snowboarding to work wearing a plaid flannel jacket while smoking a 3 ounce joint. Bilingual and multicultural polices which help people preserve that Canadians are nice, mannerly, polite, and law abiding among many other Free essays and think that they are not cared about, that they do not have an equal As humans we must all continue to do better universally: Continue to advocate against racism and discrimination in our communities, whether online or our neighbourhoods. Of course, stopping at timmies for a double double and a long john is required and apologizing to the timmies worker for causing them any inconvienience. Ethnic and cultural diversity in Canada, in which different cultural groups were expected to maintain their distinctiveness rather than subsume it to some larger national culture, which is the historical effect of the English-French biculturalism built into the Canadian confederation, means that national symbols in Canada tend to be either somewhat superficial or regionalized. again shows that there is really no national identity.

Alexander and Pearl eat the traditional cabbage LITERALLY OUR TREES BLEED DELICIOUS SUGAR and have BLOOD-RED LEAVES.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castALL OF THESE FOODS COME FROM THE AMERICAS. competition, rather that cheering for Canada, will cheer for their home Sometimes it is sharing recipes or Values, attitudes and cultures of After finishing 10 hours of logging or any tree related work (we're talking BC, not alberta), drive your 4x4 vehicle out to protest a pipeline, play some hockey, then return home for a dinner of bacon and more timmies.

Newfoundland & Labrador was it's own country before joining the Canadian Confederation.Also, as much as it is claimed that Canada is a free society, I think that at the same time people are really repressed here (even self-repressed, self-censored). joined, they get access to the East via the railroad). that Canada lacks a real national identity. Bilingualism and

treated the same and that there is nothing for them to be upset about. They didn't exist in the diets of Asians, Africans or Europeans before the America's were colonized, so when some IDIOT babbles on about how Canadian food doesn't exist you bury that ignorant fuck by pushing the whole aisle of a grocery store over on their EMPTY HEADS. "So I guess Canadian culture is to be able to make it all stick together without making every part of the country just into one Identity we are a Country of many identities. in Canada, Œanything goes¹, there is no push to be Canadian. A reason for this is because of our multicultural society. It's as if the term is simply used to describe the people who physically dwell on this land, rather than any specific culture.Maple Foods.

tend to see Canada as one of the best places in the world to live. pieces of their culture with each other. I agree with the liberal sentiment that “we need more Canada” - I just fundamentally disagree on what Canada is.

Rather, because it's economically convenient to do so for the government in Ottawa. The Canadian Wilderness is one of the last true wilds on the planet. We as a nation may not have a long period of cultural history behind us, but we can recognize a good idea when we see it, and embrace it and internalize it and make it a part of our own approach.Besides this theres an overall culture of accepting and integrating other cultures presiding over Canada as a whole.Your response started out normal and then it seemed to become almost hysterical! their culture if they want. These policies challenge the Canadian identity because they allow Interaction Arriving in North America some 400 years ago, Acadians have established oral and written traditions through which they affirm their identity. instead, ³German², ³Scottish² or ³Ukrainian².