Sometimes, anticlimax can be used for a satirical or a jocular purpose. Examples of anticlimax in a Sentence The last chapter of the book was an anticlimax. 11. 5. It is usually exciting to find sentences with an anticlimax but they have a negative effect and are a let-down.

Anticlimax in a sentence 1. 10. If there was to be much more of anything, it must have been of anticlimax. Anticlimax sentence examples. 8. This occurs when the audience expects a climax that is more entertaining or thrilling. 'A sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first' as Dr.Johnson describes anticlimax, was the first time to record this word.Anticlimax words or statements bring delight to the readers! If you relish humour then you will surely enjoy this figure of speech and create some on your own too. To put it in simpler words, a serial arrangement of phrases, words or clauses in an order of higher to lower priority. It has been estimated that for one in ten new spouses, the Reaching the peak of Badaling, after such a struggle, was quite an achievement for a man of 90 kilograms with wobbly legs, but such a feat quickly turns into an Even as she bowed, there came a swift realization that she was facing no We had good directional control, and the brakes seemed fine, but I was a little disappointed at the The main disappointment is the ending which is an If there was to be much more of anything, it must have been of The look of pain which had at first shown itself in his face, which never concealed anything, passed, and a quick smile followed her feminine Like a funeral, an epilogue mitigates an annihilating ending with deliquescent Of the Choral Symphony completed in 1924, Matthews writes that, after several movements of real quality, the finale is a rambling After what he had been through, the Black Mass was necessarily an Of course, he was eventually to read the novel in its original Spanish, but as he was to describe it, the experience was a disappointing Mazower dutifully ends his narrative with brief summations of its recent progress, but they can only come as Not everything he does works, but Antopolski deliberately uses Such a contest would offer the usual combination of simulation, slipperiness and Thanks internet hoaxers for the four day long buildup to the biggest software-based This film feels like nothing more than a series of anticlimaxes wrapped within one large After working with Stanley Kubrick for a couple of years, anything else would be an

By definition, anticlimax terms/phrases are figures of speech in which statements or ideas descend according to their importance. His having had many girls before might be an anticlimax to him. After this a lost basin would be sort of an anticlimax. an event, conclusion, statement, etc., that is far less important, powerful, or striking than expected. Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa. 11. 'A sentence in which the last part expresses something lower than the first' as Dr.Johnson describes anticlimax, was the first time to record this word. 14. It was, to their minds, an anticlimax, a pusillanimous surrender. Recent Examples on the Web May 8, 1945, the day Germany surrendered—was something of an anticlimax, Maddocks says. a descent in power, quality, dignity, etc. Dinner with Nana and the children wasn’t an anticlimax.

Yes, as you say, a Mamie is an anticlimax to one's best endeavours. There was one strangely large and empty area which was a big anticlimax, tho. occurs when the emotional intensity declines from a high to a low point

Sometimes, too, when a great … Even in spoken language, you might have often encountered people who speak in a meaningless manner that is contrary to their conclusion and buildup. Definition of Anticlimax a shift from an exciting event to a disappointing event Examples of Anticlimax in a sentence As the story wrapped up, it became apparent that Sonny’s break-up with his girlfriend would be the anticlimax. This article on anticlimax examples will help you develop your ideas on humour and writing skills.Surely, you've come across literary works or movies where an idea is being described and suddenly it transforms into something less significant. In a typical plot, action rises until a climax, the point at which a character must make a decision that changes the course of action or at which events come to a head and one outcome or another is inevitable. It leaves you wondering whether the words were intentional or happened by mistake! The rest of the evening was anticlimax. It's a real anticlimax after winning an eBay auction to eventually find the item arrive in a worse state than advertised. 10. ; a disappointing, weak, or inglorious conclusion: After serving as … 10. Anticlimax is the term used to describe a disappointing turn of events or "let down" that occurs after tension builds in a text.