Keep this in mind when writing a flashback in a script.

Wuthering Heights begins and Cathy is dead.

How Is Flashback Used in Literature? Flashbacks are a popular literary technique for writers to use when starting a story in medias res (in the middle of things), to add drama or suspense, or to fill the reader in on important information. In The Outsiders, Johnny is nervous and always carries a knife. In the graphical novel Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, literary devices are used to validate a desired message or add meaning to the desired message and purpose.An example of such a literary device is flashback. 3. 2. Flashbacks are usually introduced in the form of dreams or memories. device that moves an audience from the present moment in a chronological narrative to a scene in the past Merriam Webster defines the word flashbackas “an interruption of the chronological sequence (as of a film or literary work) of an event of earlier occurrence.” Flashbacks are interruptions that writers do to insert past events, in order to provide background or context to the current events of a narrative. Flashbacks are a great literary device authors use to give the reader a bit of background information in a creative way. For example, knowing the character was a soldier who had experienced combat is important. Think about a time where you’ve watched something and it goes into a flashback.

Definition, Examples of Literary Flashback Flashback is a plot tool that interrupts the chronological sequence of a story in order to provide details of an earlier event. However, rather than just tell the readers, they show you through a flashback to give context. A flashback typically is implemented by: The narrator tells another character about past events; The narrator has a dream about past events Flashbacks serve to further explain a story with background information. A flashback offers a unique way for an author to present the events of a story. It can add drama or suspense, or fill the reader in on important information about characters, relationships, motivations, perspective, and events. By using flashbacks, writers allow their readers to gain insight into a character’s motivations, and provide a background to a current conflict. For example, if the flashback goes back decades, an entire new set of props, costumes, and locations would need to be acquired. Much of the action in the story is a flashback from that point. Flashback is a literary device wherein the author depicts the occurrence of specific events to the reader, which have taken place before the present time the narration is following, or events that have happened before the events that are currently unfolding in the story. Flashback is one of the most popular literary devices used in writing.

Examples of Flashback in Literature and Film. Dream sequences and memories are methods used to present flashba… Sometimes they are quick interjections and sometimes they serve as the main plot structure of a story. The novel flashes back at one point to let us know that Johnny was beaten up in the past, and now carries a knife with him. For example, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a series of flashbacks telling the story of Cathy and Heathcliff.

Flashbacks in Literature Authors use flashbacks as a means of adding background information in the present events of their story. occurrence in which a character remembers an earlier event that happened before the current point of the story

flashback definition: The definition of a flashback is when an earlier moment is portrayed in a story or when a past experience is remembered.