Emaki (painted hands scroll) emerged as a popular art form in the Heian Period. [Source: Lorraine Witt, Emaki also serve as some of the earliest and greatest examples of the otoko-e ("men’s pictures") and onna-e ("women’s pictures") styles of painting. It becomes apparent that miyabi , as a cultural value, is in its origins a way of distinguishing the upper class from the lower class”. Negotiating these rules with skill was the primary challenge for an aristocrat desirous of the coveted goal of a good reputation. Three late tenth-century and early eleventh-century women presented their views of life and romance at the Heian court in Kagero nikki (The Gossamer Years) by "the mother of Michitsuna," Makura no soshi (The Pillow Book) by Sei Shonagon, and Genji monogatari (Tale of Genji)--the world’s first novel--by Murasaki Shikibu.

In it she talks about her disdain for the lower classes, adoration of the empresses and emperor, events she has “spied” between people, things she finds entertaining (backgammon, babies, lovers), things she finds boring or without merit (rain, abstinence), to name a few. The conflict between Buddhism and Shinto was dealt with making Shinto gods manifestations of Buddha. The great women writers of the later 10th century dominate the Heian Period’s literary landscape, from the anonymous composer of the Kagero Nikki (the longest of the 'court diaries', ca. Japanese writing had long depended on Chinese ideograms (kanji), but these were now supplemented by kana, two types of phonetic Japanese script: katakana, a mnemonic device using parts of Chinese ideograms; and hiragana, a cursive form of katakana writing and an art form in itself. If you are the copyright owner and would like this content removed from factsanddetails.com, please contact me. An extensive collection of musical styles was transmitted to Japan from the Asian continent during the Nara period (710-794). There were female feudal lords, and economically-independent women artists and writers that left a distinct "feminine" imprint on the culture of that time. A Woman spent the majority of her life watching rather than participating. Questions or comments, e-mail ajhays98@yahoo.com According to “Topics in Japanese Cultural History”: Heian aristocrats regarded the nude body as disgustingly ugly. Just one color being a little too pale or a little to bright could easily become a point of criticism. Keeping up with the incredible trends in clothing at this time meant the women spent considerable time making clothing. Gagaku is a form of 1,200-year-old Japanese court music that is associated with the Heian Period. Strong Music for Japanese Rice Harvest Dengaku is a traditional Japanese performance art and music. Rolled and unrolled from one end to the other, these scrolls depicted movement and actions through a succession of scenes like a film strip. Although trade expeditions and Buddhist pilgrims continued to travel between Japan and the continent, the court decided to terminate official relations with China. Most important of all was a person’s handwriting. For this reason courtiers actually preferred having daughters rather than sons.

The section on the "right" dressed in green, blue and yellow and played Korean music. Large quantities of facial hair, however, detracted substantially from one’s attractiveness. It has it origins in 2000-year-old music from China and Korea. [Source: “Topics in Japanese Cultural History” by Gregory Smits, Penn State University “There were many other aspects of a beautiful personal appearance. Again, notice the connection with wealth and leisure. The "Cry for noble Saicho" (“ koku Saicho shounin”), a poem written by Emperor Saga on the occasion of Saicho’s death, was one of the examples of such a transformation. It was expected that he would be well versed in Chinese writings and familiar with minute details of T’ang court life, which he would learn at either the imperial university, study in China itself, or a school of his own clan. The complexity of Chinese writing led writers and priests to work out two sets of syllabic systems based upon Chinese forms. The matriarchal family system the dominated Japanese social structures in ancient times was still in place in the Heian Period.

“The majority of Japanese at the time must have appeared quite the opposite of the aristocrats.