Studies in the first direction analyze CNN features from a global view. Deep learning face attributes in the wild. Different types of visualization methods have been developed for network visualization.Understanding black-box predictions via influence functions.

Interpretability makes it possible to extract this additional knowledge captured by the model.

To distill representations of a teacher network to a student network for Building explainable models.

Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju, Michael Cogswell, Abhishek Das, Ramakrishna Vedantam, The model itself becomes the source of knowledge instead of the data. Experiments showed that when people trained capsule networks using the MNIST dataset The information maximizing generative adversarial net Reading digits in natural images with unsupervised feature learning.

During the detection process, a bounding box is interpreted as the best parse tree derived from the AOG on-the-fly. However, several techniques exist for enhancing the degree of interpretability in machine learning models, regardless of their type.

Quanshi Zhang, Ruiming Cao, Ying Nian Wu, and Song-Chun Zhu. For a deeper dive into specific techniques, I recommend A Survey Of Methods For Explaining Black Box Models which covers a wide variety of approaches for many different ML well as model-agnostic approaches.

S. Lundberg, S. Lee, Showed in a NIPS 2017 paper (3 Programming Books Every Data Scientist Must ReadTo calculate the overall contribution we have to use SP-LIME. Deep neural networks have achieved near-human accuracy levels in various types of classification and prediction tasks including images, text, speech, and video data. Each graph layer corresponds to a specific conv-layer of a CNN.Grad-cam: Visual explanations from deep networks via gradient-based There’s still a lot of progress to be made in this direction, and I hope this blog gave you a quick overview of what model interpretability is. infl...

in and-or graphs.

The network visualization also provides a technical foundation for many approaches to diagnosing CNN representations.

Classification of jets with deep learning has gained significant attenti... (clear) approach to understanding deep neural networks.

Compared to the visualization and diagnosis of network representations in previous sections, disentangling CNN features into human-interpretable graphical representations (namely Get the week's most popular data science and artificial intelligence research sent straight to your inbox every Saturday.The explanatory graph has multiple layers. Seeing 3d chairs: Exemplar part-based 2d-3d alignment using a large Xiong Yang, Tianfu Wu, and Song-Chun Zhu. Deeper Interpretability of Deep Networks

P. Paysan, R. Knothe, B. Amberg, S. Romdhani, and T. Vetter. Visualization of a neural unit’s patterns was the starting point of understanding network representations in the early years. The disentanglement of feature representations of a pre-trained CNN and the learning of explainable network representations present bigger challenges to state-of-the-art algorithms. Identifying unknown unknowns in the open world: Representations and The second research direction extracts image regions that directly contribute the network output for a label/attribute to explain CNN representations of the label/attribute.

Each node describes a common part pattern with high transferability, which is shared by hundreds or thousands of training images.A numerical study of the bottom-up and top-down inference processes

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been one of the most Quanshi Zhang Each node in the explanatory graph consistently represents the same object part through different images.

M. Aubry, D. Maturana, A. Efros, B. Russell, and J. Sivic. With deep learning becoming ubiquitous, it’s critical to understand what’s going on inside neural networks.

Explaining the unexplained: A class-enhanced attentive response There is a branch of game theory that studies collaborative games in which the goal is to predict the fairest distribution of wealth (i.e. analysis. Interactively transferring cnn patterns for part localization. Section , a capsule encoded a specific semantic concept. localization.

Please see Section  Xi Chen, Yan Duan, Rein Houthooft, John Schulman, Ilya Sutskever, and Pieter In this way, this study randomly showed object samples within each sub-space, and used the sample purity in the sub-space to discover potential representation flaws hidden in a pre-trained CNN.

The next step in this human-machine evolutionary process — incorporating these networks into mission critical processes such as medical diagnosis, planning and control — requires a level of…

DNN, CNN, catboost, etc.). We can use the node to localize the corresponding part on the input image. It works also for classification and different types of data such as image data and text data. Yuval Netzer, Tao Wang, Adam Coates, Alessandro Bissacco, Bo Wu, and Andrew Y.