! He knew that under the conditions of the time in the 1850s, neither the individual state governments nor the federal government were going to bring about abolition through peaceful means.

Alas! Old John Brown struck the blow and the storm broke.

He was a believer in violence. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities!Harpers Ferry was another event John Brown took part in. These are the two ends of a chain which is not without its links. Fredrick Doulgas was peaceful in his work and brought about more change through his advocation than Brown ever did by his violence.He wasnt peaceful about it he just killed people out of anger for slavery John Brown did have the right idea and sometimes violence is needed but he went about it the wrong way so in that case john brown is a terriost because of how he went about thingsFasj fjajk kafjd jfdka kjfsaj jf j j j j k k k h hd ee j o h n br o w n i s t h e b e s t a n d h a t e r s j u s t g o n n a h a t e b a byJohn Brown may have killed people but it was for the right cause. This had a huge impact on people because if this had not happened then there could have been slaves today. ! He may have killed people, but the people that he killed deserved to be killed! He had to be brave to be in Bleeding Kansas because he was putting his life at risk.

Browse, share, and add to our enormous collection of inspiring hero films.Visitors, teachers, students, and MY HERO staff publish all kinds of stories, from inspirational essays about a close friend, to important global issues.Shonda Rhimes is an Emmy-winning producer known for TV dramas with multicultural casts and strong women.John Brown (http://rustbeltradical.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/jb3.jpg)The world's most inspirational film competeition because of YOU. It was clear to him that the abolitionists were only willing to fight for freedom if it was convenient, safe, and polite, and he knew that politeness wasn’t going to get anyone anywhere.Besides, none of the heroes from that period is unblemished. He is stupid! John Brown was a hero and a martyr. He was born in Torrington, Connecticut. He is stupid! John Brown comes with “buts” — but in that he has plenty of company.20,000 Oil and Gas permits?!? What makes a hero or a villain? He is stupid!Was John Brown a hero (yes) or a terrorist (no)?He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid!He stupid! Share. By the time of his hanging, John Brown was so respected in the North that bells tolled in many cities and towns in his honor. His actions were important because slavery is a bad thing and he was the one that attempted to stop it. John Brown, according to the World Book Encyclopedia (1974) was "a radical abolitionist whose attempt to … He is stupid! Realizing that his work was done, he passed serenely, almost with joy, form the scenes of men. He also attempted to stop slavery when nobody else did. He is not ‘Old Brown’ any longer; he is an Angel of Light… I foresee the time when the painter will paint that scene, no longer going to Rome for a subject; the poet will sing it, the historian record it, and with the landing of the Pilgrims and the Declaration of Independence it will be the ornament of some future national gallery, when at least the present form of slavery shall be no more here. He is stupid! He is stupid! He is stupid! Victor Hugo exclaimed in a burst of reverential passion: “John Brown is grander than George Washington!” History may be searched in vain for an example of noble heroism and sublime self-sacrifice equal to that of Old John Brown. Brown thought using peaceful ways was not working so he advocated violence and for that reason he was a terrorist.He is a hero, because if you think about it he saved people.

Jerry White is co-founder of the Landmine Survivors Network. It’s true that Harpers Ferry wasn’t Brown’s first brush with violence in the name of Black liberation. The hero I chose to do is John Brown. He was a man who would rebel against what was mainstream. View the winning films in the 15th Annual International Film Festival!The southerners who were against anti-slavery would have not thought my person was a hero.

That hour chattel slavery was dead. In the first frightful convulsion the slave power seized the grand old liberator by the throat, put him in irons and threw him into a dungeon to await execution. Page created on 6/20/2008 12:00:00 AM. Senators Blocking Healthcare Reform Have Taken Over $4 Million From the Healthcare IndustryToday, October 16, marks the 155th anniversary of John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry. Not for earthly glory did John Brown wage his holy warfare; not for any recognition or reward the people had it in their power to bestow. … The only way to protest slavery was to do it forcefully and John Brown did that and saved hundreds of people in the process- making him a hero. He is stupid! He may have well killed people who were pro slavery, but pro-slavery people ruined the lives of millions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Brown_(ab... Bleeding Kansas was a series of violent events. The slave owners were treating the slaves like garbage. And even if Martin Luther King Jr was a slave, the peaceful methods would do absolutely nothing because according to the Supreme Court (Dred Scott Case), slaves are not citizens. John Brown was a hero, undaunted, true and brave, And Kansas knows his valor when he fought her rights to save; Now, tho the grass grows green above his grave, His soul is marching on. https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Brown-American-abolitionist He wanted to take over the federal arsenal so that the word will get out and the slaves will all come to him for weapons and they can kill the slave owners. Old John Brown set an example of moral courage and of single-hearted devotion to an ideal for all men and for all ages. He used violence and murdered pro-slavery people in cold blood. They tried to stop my hero by fighting against Brown and tried to put his anti-slavery actions to an end. John Brown is my hero. He wanted to stop slavery.