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The Equiano question has been further complicated by the recent discovery of more biographical information about the life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, which suggests that the author of The Interesting Narrative may have been a native of South Carolina rather than Africa.2And this new information enables us to correct the chronology of the author's early … x�+� � | STUDY.

A well prepared power point about Equiano’s life.History / Historical skills and investigationHistory / Mid-modern history (1750 – 1900) / Social history4. 11 0 obj endstream Several times in the Narrative, Equiano presents his belief that free blacks often suffered worse than slaves. endstream �@���Wj��&��R�V������I܃����5���6�0�'�`%�U]�y����6D��m��na��RF�q�fSfg�=�d��|���b�GT,�����ˢ��=+� az!�

a history of the West Indian slave trade.

<>stream Olaudah Equiano - Question & Answer Comprehension Check Questions: 1. 27 0 obj <>>>/Subtype/Form/BBox[0 0 577 754]/Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]/Length 122/FormType 1/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream x��� x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏȴPp�W� endstream 16 0 obj Gravity. <>stream x��1�0��+�Q���h���'qHm x��� endobj 36 0 obj x�+� � | Terms in this set (29) By whom and at what age was Equiano kidnapped along with his sister?-By African slave traitors when he was 11 years old. � ��� <>stream

the first autobiography by a black man in America. <>stream

Remember to keep asking questions … endobj endstream The captives couldn’t move on the ships they also have came incontact with the diseases 2. The punishment they suffered was that the slave owner would beat them for trying to run away. <>>>/Subtype/Form/BBox[0 0 577 755]/Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]/Length 122/FormType 1/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream Home The Life of Olaudah Equiano Q & A Ask a question and get answers from your fellow students and educators. Olaudah Equiano wrote (1 point) a book of letters to his African family. endobj <>stream endstream 18 0 obj Questions; English 11. endobj endobj 2 0 obj x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏ�4Vp�W� x��� endobj <>stream endobj Get your answers by asking now.when did Hitler learn that nice guys finish last?Will Trump refuse to leave WH? x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏ�4Sp�W� � ��� endobj

Write. Conditions. endstream What was the name given to Equiano by a British military officer? ; �� Ǔ��n�?°��C�\�����b�!� endobj endstream 14 0 obj Why did the Barons rebel against King John in 1216 (Magna Carta)Stone Age Artefacts and Sources of Evidence (Lesson for KS2)History / Mid-modern history (1750 – 1900) / Independence movementsHistory / Mid-modern history (1750 – 1900) / Political revolutionsKeep in mind this is a ‘student-centered learning’ - resource which means it puts students’ interests first, acknowledging student voice as central to the learning experience. <>stream 31 0 obj

���Pɿ�,��Ֆ6W�0lG�J�E�֬�؁���>�ַh2� ���2b��W�r? True. <>>>/Subtype/Form/BBox[0 0 576 754]/Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0]/Length 122/FormType 1/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream to sway public opinion about slavery. On ppt presentation you will find: many class activities; tables to complete; questions to answer; a web-link for Equiano’s book 3 0 obj 13 Questions Show answers. endobj PLAY. � ��� Created by. x��� endstream And what was the punishment?-The slaves were punished if they got caught trying to run away. endobj endobj x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏ�4Rp�W� � ��� x�+� � | endobj Why did Anne Frank hide in the secret Anex?did the Americans start fattening up on the American trail with them flapjacks and bacon?Animated Smart causes uproar in Celts locker room x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏ�4Up�W� x�S�*�*T0T0 BCCJ�UЏȴTp�W� ?Police: Black man killed by L.A. deputies 'grabbed gun'University of South Florida, Tampa LibraryU.S. 10 0 obj <>stream <>stream False. x�+� � | x��1�0��+�Q���h���'qHm