The approach can encompass a young person’s personal experience, the experience of their country or a more historical perspective. Optimism is a state of mind in which an individual will tend to “expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation” ( Optimism makes us have dreams. Thus, optimism focuses on expectancies for the future. Optimism leads to perseverance. The panglossian paradigm is a term coined by Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin to refer to the notion that everything has specifically adapted to suit specific purposes. My motto in life is seeing the light in all the darkness that was surrounding me. When looking at optimism it is important to look at the opposing side to emphasis the unwelcome effects of thinking negatively in terms of wellbeing which in the long term could be detrimental to health and prosperityIn such a scenario, optimism may just prove to be the difference and help in building the self sustaining capabilities amidst stress, problems and ambiguities. Optimists expect good things to happen to them (Carver, Scheier & Segerstrom, 2010). Particularly, optimists think negative events are momentary and controllable. Counter to optimism is pessimism which is "the tendency to anticipate only bad or undesirable outcomes" ("pessimism", n.d.). Thus, optimism focuses on expectancies for the future. I as an immigrant I have had experienced the ups and downs of life to an extent where all I have to hold unto was hope and faith. Optimism is a trait by which it is relatively stable over time. What is a character trait that everyone needs in order to overcome obstacles?
Those who see the glass as being half full and those who see the glass as being half empty. Those dreams eventually turn into goals and to accomplish those goals we get perseverant, we care about the people around us and we try to live a healthy live. If we really believe that what we think is right, optimism us protect it with all we have because we are what weOptimism and pessimism are personality traits relevant in the lives of every individual. Optimism is a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as being best (optimized), meaning that in some way for factors that may not be fully comprehended, the present moment is in an optimum state. It’s a form of mental state in which, one believes that the outcome of some specific task or result, will be positive or good. Being an optimist person has helped me to be more peaceful to myselfOptimism can be defined as “Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something” (, n.d.) or more specifically as “extent to which people hold generalized favorable expectancies for their future” (Birkeland, Blix, & Heir, 2007).
Optimism Optimism is a generalized expectancy that good outcome as opposed to bed will generally occur when confronted with problems across situations. Much of this philosophy is exemplified in the Houyhnhnms of Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels. Well, optimism or positive thinking is the word means ‘best’ which comes from Latin word ‘optimus’.

Optimism is a generalized expectancy that good outcome as opposed to bed will generally occur when confronted with problems across situations.

Martin Seligman is known as the father of positive psychology and believes optimism is seen as reacting to problems with a sense of confidence and strong personal ability. The term "panglossianism" describes baseless optimism of the sort exemplified by the beliefs of Pangloss from Voltaire's Candide, which are the opposite of his fellow traveller Martin's pessimism and emphasis on free will. The trait of optimism is heritable but environmental factors in childhood play a role as well (Carver, et. life a meaning. The more broad concept of optimism is the understanding that all of nature, past, present and futureOptimism is defined as the tendency or disposition to look on the more favourable sites of events or conditions and to expect the most favourable outcome. Research of the two is an escalating field; there have been more analyses on the effects of it in the last seven years than in the previous twenty. When looking at optimism it is important to look at the opposing side to emphasis the unwelcome effects of thinking negatively in terms of wellbeing which in the long term could be detrimental to health and prosperityHe hoped that society would eventually reach the state where calm reason would replace all violence and force, that mind could eventually make matter subservient to it, and that intelligence could discover the secret of immortality.