According toWalter was 17 years old and had no idea who Pablo Picasso was, but finding him and his red and black tie charming, she agreed to meet up again with him. Here's the messed up truth about Pablo Picasso. While it wasn't the republic Pablo Picasso had hoped for, "Guernica" was shown at the Prado Museum in Madrid in 1981.They had two children together, Claude and Paloma, and their relationship lasted 10 years until Gilot left Picasso in 1953, moving back to Paris with her children. At the time of his death in 1973, his estate was worth betweenWhile this painting incorporates warm colorsWhen Walter became pregnant in 1935, Pablo Picasso admitted to the affair.

During his lifetime he is said to have produced approximately 20,000 paintings, sculptures and drawings.In 1981 his famous painting Guernica was sent to Spain from New York and now takes pride of place in Madrid's Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.The sculptor Henry Moore said that Picasso was probably one of the most "naturally gifted" artists since Raphael.His fortune has been estimated at $50m - his legal heirs are his wife, Jacqueline, and Paolo, his son from his first marriage to a Russian ballerina.He suffered the fatal seizure at approximately 1100 local time (1000GMT).He was making plans for more than 200 pieces of his work to be shown at an art museum in Avignon next month.His left his art collection including works by Cézanne, Braque and Matisse to the Louvre Museum in Paris.1994: Rock musician Kurt Cobain 'shoots himself'Picasso, a lifelong Communist, supported the republican government defeated by General Franco's forces and never returned to his homeland after Franco's victory.France's culture minister, Maurice Druou, said Picasso "filled his century with his colours".1953: Seven years' hard labour for KenyattaArguably his best known painting was Guernica, inspired by his outrage at the destruction of a small Basque town during the Spanish civil war and exhibited at the Paris World Fair in 1937.The artist who had lived in seclusion for some years is reported to have suffered from influenza during the winter but continued to paint.Family divisions were brought into the open by Picasso's death -after a long legal battle Picasso's wealth was shared jointly among his wife and all his children and grandchildren.Picasso also had at least three illegitimate children who are expected to make a claim on his estate.Last year to mark his 90th birthday the Louvre Museum in Paris staged a Picasso retrospective - the first time the work of a living artist had been exhibited.Born in 1881 in Spain, the son of an art teacher, Picasso exhibited his first paintings in Barcelona at the age of 12.Pablo Picasso was buried in the grounds of his chateau in France.Tributes for Picasso have been pouring in.His wife, Jacqueline, and son, Paolo, were with him when he died.His daughter, Paloma, later became an internationally-known designer of jewellery and fabrics.After his death Picasso attracted an even greater following - in 1980 more than one million people visited the Museum of Modern Art in New York to view an exhibition of his work. 7. Ruiz y Picasso were included for his father and mother, respectively, as per Spanish tradition. He died of heart failure, reportedly while he and his wife Jacqueline were entertaining friends for dinner. They soon began an affair, and Picasso wouldrepresentation of Daniel-Henry KahnweilerSpending most of his life in France, Picasso's life was punctuated by various love affairs with decidedly young women whoThe messed up real-life story of Pablo Picassoa visit to the St. Lazare women's prison in ParisHistorical Influences of Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'AvignonBaptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso,her financial patronage was invaluable to Pablo PicassoPablo Picasso traveled to Italy in February 1917, whereEuropean avant-garde art movements were heavily inspired byAfter Casagemas shot himself, Pablo Picasso returned to Paris in May 1901. 20th-century painter and sculptor who co-founded the Cubist movement and co-invented several new styles of art, including constructed sculpture, collage, and the plastic arts. Born in the city of Málaga in the Andalusian region of Spain, he was the first child of Don José Ruiz y Blasco(1838–1913) and María Picasso y López. In response, Khokhlova took their son to the south of France and filed for divorce, but sinceVan Gogh, Bonnard, Cézanne, Degas, and Toulouse-LautrecDuring the 1920s, the writings of Sigmund Freud were gaining popularity among the Surrealists, who pushed against coherency and the constraints of the rational mind.