Gravitational and Velocity Time Dilation and Length Contraction in More Detail Monday - Friday plus breaking news alerts by email {{#sender.isSelf}} A minute with your hand on a hot burner can seem like an hour, but an hour spent with a pretty girl can seem like a minute... that was Einstein's meaning when he said, "That's relativity. After compensating for varying signal delays due to the changing distance between an observer and a moving clock (i.e.

Let's do as my special relativity lecturer liked to do to start off lectures, and talk about Star Trek. Sit next to a pretty girl for an hour, it will seem like only a minute.So when I hear "its 5 year mission, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no man has gone before", I think "5 years according to whom?" Most do NOT understand either general relativity OR special relativity. "No one has seen such effects before with clocks which is why we wanted to see if these effects are there. "They have demonstrated graphically that although we think of relativity as an esoteric theory of no relevance to everyday life, we can in fact show that it is really true that you will grow old marginally faster if you stand just one step higher on a staircase.Are you sure you want to delete this comment? This is a practical demonstration of the "twin paradox", a thought experiment of Einstein's special theory of relativity which states that an identical twin sibling who travels through space in a rocket will actually age more slowly than the other twin living on terra firma. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. This comment has been flagged. Food & drink Explainer videos As Einstein's theories of special and general relativity show, the speed that time passes can change. will be published daily in dedicated articles. "Suddenly, the thought struck me: if a man falls freely, he does not feel his own weight. It took him another 10 years to add in the effects of mass and gravity, and that's general relativity because it's more general (duh!) Your perception of how fast time is passing is based on how fast or slow your metabolic rate is, how fact the chemical reaction in your body are taking place and how fast the electrical signals to and from your brain are. Sport videos This comment has been flagged. Doppler effect), the observer will measure the moving clock as ticking slower than a clock that is at rest in the observer's own reference frame. When your hormones go wacky like mine do, it messes with your time perception. Time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two clocks, either due to them having a velocity relative to each other, or by there being a gravitational potential difference between their locations. I probably understand general relatively fairly well, but it took me YEARS to understand general relativity, and one particular book that I read 4 decades ago helped a LOT..Does this mean everyone has their own personal timeline that is relative to them or something else?Smaller masses move faster.That means the faster the process the shorter the time invested.Yes we all have our different time lines. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when Guidelines.Marcus Chown, author of the best-selling We Need to Talk about Kelvin, which is shortlisted for this year's Science Book Prize, said that the results of the atomic clock experiments were a remarkable demonstration of Einstein's theories.Please try again, the name must be unique {{#replies}} Time is affected by space (mass, gravity).

the same level of attention, but we have preserved this area in the interests of open debate. A minute with your hand on a hot burner can seem like an hour, but an hour spent with a pretty girl can seem like a minute... that was Einstein's meaning when he said, "That's relativity." The most insightful comments on all subjects Theatre & Dance Experiment have proven that time runs slower for a moving object.How fast time passes depends on the viewer. Food & Drink {{shortHeadline}} For every foot above ground, for instance, the clocks showed that someone would age about 90 billionths of a second faster over a 79-year lifetime, Dr Chou said.


Are you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate?It means that the clocks were able to perceive the dilation of time with height above ground that was first predicted by Einstein. It is at the heart of the theory of relativity, which states that time and space are not as immutable and fixed as we think they are from the immediate experience of everyday life. Time is time- we just can't access the ultimate viewpoint at this time in our technological history.If you could add a new planet to the solar system, what would it be called? The starship Enterprise is whizzing about the galaxy at some incredible rate and even if we ignore the whole business of going faster than light with warp drive (which according to Einstein is impossible), then if it's going to get anywhere within a reasonable time, it's going to be travelling at a speed that slows time down significantly.Since space shuttles are now retired what vehicles are used to get people into space? Time will actually appear to move slower near massive objects, because space-time is warped by the weight. Show{{#moreThan3_total}} {{value_total}} {{/moreThan3_total}} comments "Help, what does it mean when Masculine signs outweigh Feminine signs in a chart?It means there is no such thing as absolute time that always ticks away at the same rate.