Plants forum Gardening for beginners Step 2. Primroses are frequently treated as annuals or grown as houseplants due to their short blooming period and because they do not tolerate heat well.

How to Prepare Shasta Daisies for Winter The Old Farmer's Almanac: Container Gardening with FlowersMissouri Botanical Garden: Primula (Polyanthus Type)Iowa State University Extension: Primroses Are at Home Indoors and Outdoors The Difference Between Primroses & African Violets Slow-Release Fertilizer for Angel Wing Begonias Primroses thrive in rich, well-draining soil.

View all 2-for-1 Gardens View all Plants Plant inspiration Northern England , enriched with home-made compost or leaf mould where possible

For a half-dose, dilute 1/2 teaspoon in 1 gallon of water. Growing onions Growing strawberries Subscriber discounts All primroses enjoy growing in the same location and conditions. Indoors, give them bright but indirect or filtered sunlight.

To prolong blooming, keep indoor primroses in a cool part of your house.

Offers For outdoor primroses, increase the amount to 1 tablespoon or 1/2 tablespoon for half dose. Growing dahlias Read the label carefully, as instructions will vary depending on the brand. Removing spent flowers is called... Division.

Plastic pots are a good choice for primroses because they retain water better than clay, which is porous and draws water from the soil. Primroses do best in low temperatures and naturally bloom in spring in their native Europe. Scotland Within a couple of years they can be divided again.Growing lavender Do To do in October

In general, for concentrated liquid formulas, instructions will state to dilute 1 teaspoon of the fertilizer in 1 gallon of water for an indoor primrose. It’s best to do this on a cool, moist day. Trim back roots to 10cm to encourage the formation of fine feeding roots. Deadheading Primroses Start checking your garden in late spring. Growing tomatoes

Do not To do in May How to divide primroses.

welcome spring with their bright colors. Tickets cost just £10.South-East England By dividing the clumps, gardeners can take advantage of this tendency to spread to get new plants for free. Grow plants Pretty pansy 'Cool Wave' bears an abundance of pretty, trailing flowers from Oct-Jun in an array of colours. Get two pre-planted baskets for only £19.99, plus free feed.Tools

The only thing you have to do is to divide them at the end of spring after the flowering period has finished. View all Offers Aim to provide the conditions they’d grow in, in the wild, with ample moisture, a bit of shade and humus-rich soil. Do not To do in February
Reviews Too much water can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. Do not To do in January

Do To do in August

Recent discussions Summer through to autumn is the best time to divide them, but you can also try this with newly bought plants, too. Do not To do in March Dividing Primroses and Polyanthus.