Some proposals raised in the local media included various combinations of The Hawthorn meeting was chaired by former premiership player and lawyer"Tasmanian Government signs new five-year deal with Hawthorn"Before the failed merger of Melbourne and Hawthorn, on 4 July 1996, the Under the package offered by the AFL, the transitional arrangements for the merged club would be as follows:Following the launch of Operation Payback, and Gutnick's campaign at Melbourne, a vocal backlash to the merger proposal emerged amongst the supporters at both clubs. It is perhaps from a combination of these reasons that negotiations would proceed further between Melbourne and Hawthorn than between other potential merger partners. No other number is more sacred to the Tigers’ faithful, even though it has been “on ice” for the past two seasons.Tommy Lahiff (13, Hawthorn): Became known for his radio commentary in tandem with Harry Beitzel. Membership jumped from 12,484 to 27,000 in 1997 and has continued to increase every year. Andy Collins wore 40, then 3, then was the first player to wear 5 since Peter Crimmins. SIZE: 17 red and blue jumper were remarkable.His last game came in the 1991 Grand Final, which turned out to be a fitting farewell, even though Tuck didn’t know it at the time.SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE JUMPER NUMBER USING #FANSNUMBER TO HAVE CHANCE TO FEATURE IN HERALD SUNGraeme Watson (18, Melbourne): Good enough all-round sportsman to play cricket for Australia.Mordecai Bromberg (19, St Kilda): One of the few Jewish footballers to play in the AFL.Join the conversation, you are commenting as Tuck wore it in a record 426 matches spread out across 20 seasons. I can’t even remember what number I wore when I was playing at Berwick.Brent Crosswell, wearing No. So I would always try to get long sleeves when I could.That No. He never wore No. I had pretty skinny arms and used to feel the cold a bit. A little remembered fact: Paul Abbott wore 39, but he wore 23 in 1982 before Dermie came along. They had secured a record number of members, remerged with the MCC, and knocked off more debt.

noBut as far as Grand Finals go, Tuck is ahead of the rest, something that still sits proudly with the modest Hawthorn great.Scott recalled hitchhiking from Box Hill to a Hawthorn jumper presentation night in 1967 to hear he had been given Peck’s No.

Tuck is on a building site laying pipes under a house. 17 in 220 games with North Melbourne from 1952-64.“Numbers hadn’t meant too much to me when I was a kid growing, you just wore what you got. THE HISTORY, MYTH AND MYSTIQUE OF FOOTY’S MAGIC NUMBERSThe only time he did anything different was when he wore a short-sleeved No. The club raised well over $3 million. 6 time all Australian.

17 jumper has had a proud tradition in terms of big performances in Grand Finals. “It didn’t have a plastic number, which was good, but it was a bit shabby.”Melbourne’s Alan La Fontaine might not be as well-known as Dyer, but his achievements in the No. 17, and if he had not accepted an offer to inherit John Peck’s No. By the midpoint of the 2009 season, things had improved off field for Melbourne. He had, after all, worn that number on his back, albeit it in a North Melbourne guernsey that was his club of choice when he was growing up.That number has today been revealed as the 10th best in VFL-AFL history, as judged by a panel of Herald Sun reporters and two other greats of the game.“Allen Aylett was my hero, so I wore his number (17) on my back,” Matthews said.“I wasn’t too happy when I got the (No. They made finals again in 2005 and 2006 but 2007 was a poor one for Melbourne; Daniher resigned and Melbourne avoided the wooden spoon and finished 14th. Melbourne did not field a team from 1916–18 due to the First World WarIn the months following the 1996 merger vote, prominent businessman Joseph Gutnick became president of the Melbourne Football Club. The jumper, a tie in with the Marvel character Thor, has shown that the Hawthorn Football Club hadn’t plumped the depths of jumper design as previously thought. In 2003, Melbourne plunged into a new crisis, winning only five games for the year and posting a $1 million loss. As pictured, comes with a certificate of authenticity. I pretended I was (Collingwood defender) Laurie Hill (who used to wear No. "Oakley still seeks sacrifice after Hawks purge Demons"Hawthorn's future four-time premiership coach In stark contrast, Hawthorn has managed to grow in strength on and off the field since the merger. 17 in the seniors for his debut match, against Richmond at Waverley Park, in Round 8, 1972.HAWTHORN greats Michael Tuck, Leigh Matthews and Don Scott formed one of the game’s most successful on-ball partnerships, even if they famously didn’t mix socially off the ground. Port Adelaides 2020 First Nations jumper design will pay tribute to the ancestors and the 62 indigenous players who have ran out onto the field for the Alberton club.