Fritillaria meleagris is also commonly known as Guinea Hen Flower, frog-cup, flower, guinea flower, Lazarus Bell, Chequered Lily, Chequered Daffodil, Drooping Tulip. View gallery.

Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater . View this plant in a garden. Sun Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade.

Scientific Publishers, Inc., Enfield, Plymouth.Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families,Altervista Flora Italiana, genere Fritillaria,,"Ugrožena kockavica, nacionalni simbol Hrvatske",,Articles with dead external links from December 2019,Articles with permanently dead external links,Short description is different from Wikidata,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Native to Europe, where its bulbs usually enjoy very moist locations, Fritillaria meleagris (Checkered Lily) grows up to 14-16 in.

& Peschkova, G.A.
49 members have or want this plant for trade. Let’s stick with the snake's head for now.
The unique snake's head fritillary, that goes by many other monikers: chess flower, frog-cup, guinea-hen flower, guinea flower, leper lily, Lazarus bell, chequered lily, chequered daffodil, drooping tulip or, in northern Europe, quite simply fritillary. Flora of Siberia 4: 1-238.

It has a round bulb, about 2 cm in diameter which contains poisonous alkaloids.The plant is commonly found growing in grasslands in damp soils and river meadows.

It can be found at altitudes up to 800 metres.It is native to Europe, but in many places, including France, Slovenia and Romania it is an endangered species that is rarely found in the wild, but is common in horticulturists' gardens.


Fritillaria meleagris is a Eurasian species of flowering plant in the lily family.

The flower has a checkered reddish-brown, purple, white and gray coloration, sometimes mostly white. (eds.) Previous Next. A brief history… The fritillary is native to Europe and western Asia. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhskoi SSR.Malyschev L.I. Plant in shade with enriched, moisture retentive soil. 40 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Fritillaria Species, Checkered Lily, Guinea-Hen Flower, Leper Lily Snakehead Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris.

Foliage: Herbaceous. Snake's Head Fritillary, Guinea Hen Flower, Checkered Lily, Checker Lily, Widow's Wail, Weeping Widow.

Fritillaria, Checkered Lily, Guinea Hen Flower, Snake's Head Fritillary 'Aphrodite' Fritillaria meleagris. Its common names include snake's head fritillary, snake's head (the original English name), chess flower, frog-cup, guinea-hen flower, guinea flower, leper lily (because its shape resembled the bell once carried by lepers), Lazarus bell, chequered lily, chequered daffodil, drooping tulip or, in northern Europe, simply fritillary. tall (35-40 cm) in a beautiful display of checkered, pendant, bell-shaped flowers atop slender stems. Fritillaria flowers look like guinea hen and are thus commonly known as the Guinea Hen Flowers. The flower has a chequered pattern in shades of purple, or is sometimes pure white.The plant was once abundant in the UK, particularly in the,Now easily available as an ornamental spring bulb for the garden, it is commonly sold as a mixture of different coloured,In Sandemar beach meadows, west of Dalarö, Sweden,Snake's Head Fritillary garden in April 2019 at the ‎⁨Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, ⁨Richmond⁩, UK,Species of flowering plants in the family Liliaceae.Pavlov, N.V. (2001). In Croatia the flower is known as.The Leper Lily is the official flower of the Swedish province of Uppland, where it grows in large quantities every spring at the meadows in Kungsängen, just outside Uppsala, also giving the flower its Swedish name,Close up of the Snakeshead Fritillary (Taken at,Snakeshead Fritillary (Taken at Audubon's marsh - West France),From Wikibooks, open books for an open world,,Book:Horticulture/Finder/Taxonomy/Undefined.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.