Average Lifespan…Digital marketer by day, exotic fish keeper by night, besides churning out content on a regular basis, Lionel is also a senior editor with Exopetsguides.com. This is mostly due to all of the benefits of living in captivity – essentially, the opposite of all of the challenges that wild hedgehogs face. Can they eat cat and dog food?5 Step Pacman Frog Care: Are they good pets?There are many other species of hedgehogs that are available in the wild and some are region specific, but the most commonly kept hedgehogs as pets are the European and the African pygmy hedgehog.What does a fennec fox eat? Comprehensive Guide to Taking Care of Your Pet HedgehogHowever, female hedgehogs can have the risk of health complications and early death as a result of breeding. They might still be cute and lovable, but this isn’t fair to them.

For those that are still accustomed to feeding on their mother’s milk, they would follow their mother closely as she goes on adventures to forage food and shelter for her family.Most of the time, the contraction would be similar to cats and dogs, the hedgehog must have gotten infected through direct contact with hedgehogs that already has these insects in them, where they will jump from one host to another, else it would mean that the hygiene of the space or cage is not well-maintained.Do all snakes lay eggs?

And their temperament and the change in their living conditions will likely lead to health issues, unhappiness, and premature death. Measuring up to 10 inches of length, it is mostly covered in brown-black.
By just a few months old, they are mature enough to reproduce. It really depends on your preference as the owner. Hedgehogs are naturally very active creatures that need a good amount of exercise to thrive.

Make sure they have enrichment, activity, and plenty of variety in their day. You would be surprised how beneficial it can be to look at everything through this lens.We also recommend that you stick to a yearly vet trip no matter if your hedgehog seems healthy or not. (Fennec fox habitat)As long as you sense that something is not right, or your pet hedgehog is reacting somewhat differently than usual, you should pay attention to its diet, space, cage, and bring it to a vet to have it checked as soon as you can.Wild hedgehogs will eat almost anything that they are able to fit into their mouth. Given optimal food conditions, limited predators, good weather, solid genetics, and a bit of good luck, wild hedgehogs can live for around 8 years or so. Animals that are born and live in the wild are not suited for life in captivity. You should always keep an eye on the mood of your hedgehog to make sure they’re happy.

Find a breeder that’s recommended by the community and knows their stuff.As you can see there are a number of ways you can positively (or negatively) impact your hedgehog’s lifespan.The reason why their bedding can be so important is the fact that for most of their lives they’ll be breathing right next to it for the majority of their lives. The above-mentioned food can be fed to them as it surpasses its 6 month time frame, trial and error works best when it comes to their food, but for convenience sake, if you are sticking to dry food, you should get a premium quality dried cat food for it and it is totally fine as it has all the nutrition an adult hedgehog would need.If the enclosure or cage has more than 1 male hedgehog inside, often there will be rivalry and males will be taking turns to claim alpha and ownership of the female, you would be able to witness headbutting and chasing a lot around the cage.California red-sided garter snake facts (Are they poisonous? This provides them with a lot of exercise. Then you have to put it into practice.

Whereas for the smaller species, they are able to like anywhere from 2 – 5 years in average which is comparable to the lifespan of a mouse.

Some variables that affect the longevity of a pet hedgehog’s life are stress level, diet, disease/illness, genetics, quality of life, exercise, and veterinary care. )Hedgehogs are susceptible to a wide range of diseases and there are tell-tale signs for you to notice and tend to it before it is too late.

There are many things that can affect the lifespan of your pet hedgehog, including the diet, bedding, quality of life, health/illness & stress level.
This is not dissimilar to many other small mammals.So, exactly how long do hedgehogs live? This hedgehog breed grows to around 6-9 inches long, and is an animal that prefers to live alone. With its prickly quills raised, it becomes a ball full of spikes to protect themselves from any predators that would potentially eat or harm them.Till this date, there has been no concrete evidence or studies able to conclude the reason behind them self-anointing. Do they make good pets?Hedgehogs that fall victim to these urogenital diseases will have problems to excrete out urine or there will be discoloration in their urine, this is extremely painful even to us humans.By “applying” one’s own saliva it acts as a safety net to camouflage its own scent with a “new” scent.