The book explains key theoretical concepts and illustrates how they are applied within the global fashion and retail industry, from haute couture to the mass market. Combined with reductions in product purchases in FW ’20 and SS ’21, three-season management would yield gross margins of 30% to 40% for this retailer in the current season, compared with only 15% to 20% in the heavy-discounting stock liquidation scenario, despite much lower revenues in the former.

Why the Future of the Luxury Market Will Be Dictated by Youth CultureThere is no way to sugarcoat the impact of COVID-19 on F&L. It is suitable for those with a business or media degree who would like to pursue a career in management within the fashion media sector. That means adopting an agile strategy that we call three-season management, in which current and future inventory is managed in a way that will boost stock monetization and profitability across at least three retail seasons. The College is a 10-minute walk from the headquarters of Condé Nast International, as well as Vogue House, which our students get to experience through visits or online activities, as part of their exposure to the professional world. Inventory should be allocated and replenished only upon emerging need in order to minimize unprofitable stock in stores. Weaving a Better Future: Rebuilding a More Sustainable Fashion Industry After COVID-19Prior to COVID-19, merchandising plans were initiated 12 months in advance of a season and, for each category, assumed deviations in sales from one year to the next of only about plus or minus 2% on a like-for-like basis. You might approach this as an opportunity to create a portfolio of work, initiate a live or simulated industry project or take an entrepreneurial approach by creating a project that you might continue to pursue after finishing the degree.Johannes Reponen is a scholar, critic and consultant who specialises in communication, media and writing.

Fashion media professionals now move seamlessly between roles at magazines and positions with major fashion brands and retailers, making the focus of the MA Fashion Media Strategy relevant to an increasingly broad range of job opportunities. Modules on the programme are:Students on this course will also have access to our Career Services including, but not limited to:This project aims to provide you with an opportunity to conduct live research in a topic of interest to you, developing skills in project management and engaging with professional development planning.

Sometimes experience is as beneficial as what is learnt in a classroom. However, our calculations indicate that by following this strategy, most F&L companies can expect double-digit improvements in gross margin and cash flow into spring and summer of 2021 (SS ’21) and beyond relative to the likely results of a massive current season liquidation strategy.F&L companies find themselves in their current difficult spot because virtually all stores in this category have been shuttered and because many brands lack sufficiently robust or compelling online channels to reach and attract large numbers of shoppers to e-commerce. Critical Research: understanding AudiencesDuring this module, you will create a practical outcome aligned with your programme and identified career focus.

All told, three-quarters of F&L companies could suffer cash shortages.BCG uses cookies to improve the functionality, performance, and 6. Our mission is to be the global technology platform for luxury fashion, connecting creators, curators and consumers. With BA and MA degrees in communication and criticism, Johannes is currently completing his doctoral research degree.The programme is structured as four 10-week terms. The impact of digital channels and ‘new media’ on traditional print media channels and revenue streams will be examined in order to prepare you for the challenges of the industry. Detailed information on the use of cookies is provided in our

Use these forecasts to draw up stock liquidation strategies, assessing their impact on buying and potential financial outcomes. We believe in empowering individuality.