These flowers open slowly and the yellow slowly disappears. 21: 1–6Merkle SA, Parrott WA & Flinn BS (1995) Morphogenetic aspects of somatic embryogenesis. Gray rot typically produces noticeable gray spores on infected parts of the plant. 115: 109–114 Take care to wait until the leaves have no standing water as heavy periods of moisture are the ideal time for spreading the infection. Gray mold usually results in plants that have been kept in an environment that is consistently too wet and humid. Soak all seed in water before sowing and rinse thoroughly. Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) is an example of pathogen problems that may occur under glass. 47: 189–194Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertipsOtani M & Shimada T (1991) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from Present address: Plant Biotechnology/ZAB, Freiburg University, Sonnenstraße 5, D-79104, Freiburg, GermanyYou can also search for this author in This variety has incredible curly flowers which open from lantern-shaped buds that have green-yellow fringes, normally grown as an annual for winter display. Keep dry during Cyclamen’s dormant summer months.

Its leaves are small with serrated edges but robust and has a good resistance to Botrytis.

In: Debergh PC & Zimmerman RH (eds) Micropropagation, Technology and Application (pp 425–445). Open-pollinated seeds should be grown in summer but will not produce growth until the early winter of the next year (about 14 months).

Care of Cyclamen plants is relatively easy as the plants require a cool, moderately humid environment with bright filtered light.

Begin watering again when growth (leaves) reappears.Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)If continuing on with seed, sow in darkness at 43-54oF as soon as ripe. The direct sunlight of the summer is too harsh and drying for the cool weather plant. Cyclamen enjoy an evenly moist environment with moderate humidity. When tubers fill the pot, Cyclamen plants should be repotted into a slightly larger pot.Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) was investigated. Plant Cyclamen with the tops of the tubers just above the soil surface.

Preil W, Florek P, Wix U & Beck A (1988) Towards mass propagation by use of bioreactors. Hardy cyclamen, which can be grown outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 4 through 9, reproduce from concave tubers. Listen to the Cyclamen Podcast Here!

You can attempt to divide your tuber, but this is quite risky and probably left to the expert. These should be removed and placed in a paper or plastic bag for disposal. Butenko RG, Lipsky AK, Chernyak ND & Arya HC (1984) Changes in culture medium pH by cell suspension cultures of Takamura T, Miyajima I & Matsuo E (1995) Somatic embryogenesis of Carman JG (1988) Improved somatic embryogenesis in wheat by partial simulation of the in?ovulo oxygen, growth?regulator and dessication environments. Cyclamen houseplants prefer a cool environment between 55-70oF. Org. Physiol. Plants are also susceptible to other pests such as spider mites, vine weevil, and cyclamen mite. Choose a …

Subscription will auto renew annually.Snape JB, Thomas NH & Callow JA (1989) How suspension cultures of Kessell RHJ & Carr AH (1972) The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on growth and differentiation of carrot ( Although these propagate from seeds and root division, the process is difficult, according to Clemson Cooperative Extension. The Propagation of Cyclamen. Take care to bring outdoor plants inside before a frost.Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)For cyclamen care, apply a low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. Top Tips. Reduce watering at this time. Cyclamen persicum 'Pipoca'.

Other seeds should be planted in late winter to mid-spring and will produce growth the fall of the same year (about six to eight months).Personalities and Flowers: The Logician (INTP)Personalities and Flowers: The Architect (INTJ)Cyclamen plants bloom in the late winter to early spring but are commonly given as holiday gifts thanks to forced blooming in a greenhouse. Cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) Care: Propagation & Potting. In: Thorpe TA (ed) Hohe A, Winkelmann T & Schwenkel HG (1999) CO2 accumulation in bioreactor suspension cultures of Shigeta J, Sato K & Mii M (1996) Effects of initial cell density, pH and dissolved oxygen on bioreactor production of carrot somatic embryos. Seeds. Cult.


Cyclamen refers to about 20 species of tuberous flowering plants from the Mediterranean. Florist Cyclamen.

Keep the soil moist, allowing the pot to feel light again when lifted.

Plant Cell Tiss. Plant.

Part of Department of Plant Propagation, Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Kuehnhaeuser Str. Everything you need to know about Cyclamen 'Pipoca' (Cyclamen persicum 'Pipoca'), including propagation, ideal conditions and common pests and problems. Put your pots in a cool place, ideally around 60 F. (15 C.), and cover them with something to completely block the light. HortScience 22:800–803Wicart G, Mouras A & Lutz A (1984) Histological study of organogenesis and embryogenesis in Immediate online access to all issues from 2019.
Plant Cell Rep. 10: 22–25Kovács G, László M, Rajkai G & Barnabás B (1995) Monitoring of haploid maize cell suspension culture conditions in bioreactors. 43: 123–126This is a preview of subscription content, Preil W (1991) Application of bioreactors in plant propagation. Care for cyclamen as houseplants or grow where hardy in rock gardens, borders, or raised beds. Plant Cyclamen with the tops of the tubers just above the soil surface. Plant Growth Regul.