The suspense revolves around a murder mystery along with recovery of a stolen painting.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeIt is a FBI thriller, fast paced and full of action. The story is narrated through the boy who sees everything with all his quirks, but yet his characterization makes him lovable throughout.This is a story of a reporter who was assigned to cover a story of pre-teen serial killer in her home town. The lovers of the series would simply vouch that this thriller novel is amazing. The murder mystery is deftly plotted and utterly fascinating for the readers to read. You can expect a beautiful and engaging narration of the story that is blended with strategic thinking and forceful impetus on the central character. The plot is mostly accompanied by danger and physical action. The book is beautifully written with all supernatural incidents spangled throughout the book. This genre of book is characterized and defined by the moods they evoke among the readers, giving them heightened feelings of suspense, excitement, thrill, surprise, anticipation, and anxiety. The amazingly twist in the storyline will engross you to the book until you finish reading the entire story. Literary devices such as plot twists and cliffhangers are extensively used in this genre.Poetry is one of the most important genres of books in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. J.K Rowling regretted this and now all editions are name Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone.Realistic fiction has a story that is true to life and seems real but isn’t actually real. The book is so engaging that you can’t stop reading it till you reach the end of the story.

The story is a contemporary plot of mass murder by a crazy murderer in an Oregon university campus.

As the suspense thriller continues, the reader would remain glued until the last page.

We have compiled a list of free ebook w...The plot of the story has been beautifully created by the author. It helped me prepare for my workshop on creative writing. The plot in the story moves very fast and would ensure that the reader is hooked on to the book till the end of the story when the mystery is unfolded. It is an exciting and nail biting story which would keep you glued to it till the killer gets revealed at the end.The story is a perfect blend of an overseas murder, missing students and an imminent attack on the United States. If you are aware of any other genres of books that are not mentioned here, please mention it in the comment section below.

As the mystery is solved, the reader is left satisfied with an amazing conclusion.Field of Prey (A Lucas Davenport Novel Book 24)This is one of the suspenseful books that will make you captivated from the first page itself and you will not be able to put it down until it’s complete. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This is one of the novels that every action thriller reader would like to read. Stories under this book genre are often set in modern times and have characters who seem like real people.I found this very useful indeed and citing examples in each genre helped to illustrate the explanations and also gave me additions to my library.Thank you.Thank you, for the brief and well stated descriptions of every genre.Thank you for this valuable and helpful information.may be you can not call it a book but a pitch deck would do..Harry Potter And The Method of Rationality by Eliezer YudkowskyHorror is a genre that is intended to or has the ability to create the feeling of fear, repulsion, fright or terror in the readers.